The Rest & Resilience Fellowship is a collaborative initiative by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and the taz Panter Foundation. Since 2015, this fellowship has invited two journalists each year from countries with restricted press and information freedom to spend time in Berlin.
The program is flexible and personalized to meet each fellow’s needs and interests, without a fixed daily schedule. While in Berlin, fellows have opportunities to participate in group activities, visit media organizations, and learn about the work of Reporters Without Borders, an international human rights organization, and the taz Panter Foundation, which supports independent journalism in partnership with the tageszeitung (taz).
We invite two journalists from countries with restricted freedom of press and information to Berlin for a period limited to six months. During their stay, media professionals take time off from their daily obligations to recover from their difficult working conditions and to expand their personal and professional horizons. At the end of the six months, the fellows return to their home countries with renewed energy and fresh perspectives to continue their journalistic work.
If they wish, participants can withdraw completely from public life. However, the fellowships will offer different workshops for further training and networking purposes and participation is strongly encouraged. Additionally, the time spent in Berlin offers opportunities for exchange with international journalists from all over the world, get to know German editorial offices, take language classes, and take advantage of individual psychosocial counseling, if desired.
- Visa and travel costs
- Furnished apartment in Berlin
- Travel health insurance for the six months spent in Berlin
- Monthly grant of 1000€
- Psychological support
- Workshops (e.g. on digital safety training, stress management)
- Professional journalistic and/or personal training opportunities
The stay in Berlin is limited to six months. The projected time period of the fellowships will be from May 1st to October 31st, 2025.
For more Information visit: The Rest & Resilience Fellowship Click here To Apply Now
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